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    Introducing The Latest Security In Our Cloud Datasheet


    security in our cloudSecurity in the cloud is a major factor in any business decision these days and here at Cloud Computing Centre we are proud of the cutting edge technology and robust security measures that we implement to safeguard the IT systems and processes of our clients.

    Cloud Computing Centre take your requirements seriously and we will consult with you in order to understand your business and mitigate any risk to your systems and processes through our robust approach to security which includes physical security, secure hardware and software technology, strict processes for managing our client data and cloud environments, penetration testing and real time security monitoring.

    All access to our cloud services and solutions is through a unique and user authorised, robust portal ensuring that no-one outside of your business can access or view your information or that of your clients. Our team of highly experienced and qualified technical engineers ensure stringent security measures are taken in every procedure from the physical to the encryption of your data.

    The datasheet forms part of this quarters' informational theme around "Building the Business Case for Cloud". We'll be addressing many of the key issues and concerns we hear about from prospective clients, from security to reliability within the cloud, compliance, performance and of course cost savings to be had by moving to the cloud.

    We hope that you will find this datasheet informative! So click here to download this datasheet and learn more about our approach to security in the cloud or why not request a tour of our data centre and see it for yourself.


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