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    Screwing-up in the Cloud


    Will an increasing uptake in cloud technologies lead to an increasing amount of “screw-ups” in the cloud?

    Introducing The Latest Security In Our Cloud Datasheet

    security in our cloud

    Security in the cloud is a major factor in any business decision these days and here at Cloud Computing Centre we are proud of the cutting edge technology and robust security measures that we implement to safeguard the IT systems and processes of our clients.

    Mitigate the risk of power outages in the cloud


    Power outages such as those experienced by the likes of Amazon, Google and Microsoft in recent months are not only hugely embarrassing for the cloud giants, but also incredibly disruptive for the affected users.

    Hybrid Clouds - Security Benefits


    An article I read recently argued that hybrid Clouds are used when an organisation runs out of capacity in their public Cloud. And indeed it is true that private Clouds can be adopted when an enterprise reaches its provisioning capacity threshold in its public Cloud to provide continuing access to data, thus resulting in a "hybrid" solution.

    In a data explosion, security should not be compromised


    The amount of data that exists in the world today is staggering: indeed, I recently came across a study conducted by the University of Southern California, which concluded that if all the world's data was stored in books, that is, all 295 exabytes of it, it would cover the entire area of China three times over. And bearing in mind that this study was completed using the volume of worldwide data in 2007, and that most storage experts agree that the levels of data held worldwide doubles every six months, we could today be looking at a number that is 32 to 64 times greater than this!

    Don't let cynicism cloud your judgement


    In a opinion posted on Computer Weekly entitled don't let techno-babble cloud your judgement recently, Robert Morgan claims that there is nothing new or unique about cloud computing technologies. Ironically however, there is nothing new or unique about his opinion - his dismissal of the cloud is nothing we haven't heard before, and as such, goes some way in highlighting just how little is still appreciated about the cloud.

    Securing the cloud


    Another conference last week, the Westminster eForum on cloud computing had vendors and delegates discussing security within the cloud. Computer Weekly reported that ISC2 said security professionals must embrace cloud or fail. It quotes one of the eForum speakers saying that the business case is overwhelming, referring to the reduced cost, rapid provisioning, scalability and flexibility of cloud computing, adding that security professionals need to work out how their organisation can use the cloud securely with minimum risk.

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