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    When the Government announced its new IT strategy in March 2011, plans for the long awaited G-Cloud programme were noticeably absent. And perhaps through this single act alone, we have learnt more about the elusive plans for the much anticipated government cloud, than we have throughout the entire project so far. Questions must be raised as to why the Cabinet Office are refusing to publish its plans to the public. Indeed, does the lack of information from the Government hint at a desperate attempt to cover up the canning of yet another failed IT initiative?

    The G Cloud


    Whilst Mark Ballard argues that the government's cloud computing strategy requires the status quo to be broken in order to be successful (Can the G-Cloud programme weather the storms of an unruly IT industry, Computer Weekly, 15th February), it is near impossible to define success in a project of this magnitude and complexity when figures are being plucked from thin air in such random fashion. Government projects are infamous for never being delivered on time or on budget, so why should we take the figures here as gospel?

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