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    Reliability in Our Cloud - Our Latest Datasheet

    reliability in the cloud

    We've all heard the horror stories about cloud outages in high profile data centres run by the likes of Microsoft and Amazon. Be that as it may we need to keep these things in perspective. The fact is, when it comes to reliability and most importantly availability, it's highly unlikely that your systems and data could be better managed and supported within the on premise environments that most businesses trust their important computing assets when compared to the cloud.

    Broadband Connectivity and the 2012 London Olympics

    broadband connectivity olympics

    Time is running out. If you are on ADSL we recommend moving to our Ethernet (EFM) / Fibre type connectivity as soon as possible in order to ensure uncontended access to our cloud. Its an affordable alternative to bridging the gap between broadband connectivity and leased lines.

    Introducing The Latest Security In Our Cloud Datasheet

    security in our cloud

    Security in the cloud is a major factor in any business decision these days and here at Cloud Computing Centre we are proud of the cutting edge technology and robust security measures that we implement to safeguard the IT systems and processes of our clients.

    Latent issues


    Latency, generally measured by the amount of time that it takes for one computer system situated in one location to talk to another system elsewhere, is having an impact on Cloud Computing solutions, but just how much of an issue is it?

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