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    Reliability in Our Cloud - Our Latest Datasheet


    reliability in the cloudWe've all heard the horror stories about cloud outages in high profile data centres run by the likes of Microsoft and Amazon. Be that as it may we need to keep these things in perspective. The fact is, when it comes to reliability and most importantly availability, it's highly unlikely that your systems and data could be better managed and supported within the on premise environments that most businesses trust their important computing assets when compared to the cloud.

    At the Cloud Computing Centre we've located our cloud infrastructure in some of the most prestigious data centres in the UK e.g the London Docklands Telehouse complex. Our cloud infrastructure provides your business with access to some of the most advanced computing environments where all aspects of the environment are carefully controlled and monitored, from climate to redundant power sources, multi-homed data centre connectivity(multiple connectivity points through different exchanges) and highly available secure computing infrastructure we take every opportunity to provide the best cloud computing environments around.

    This data sheet is the second in our series on "Building The Business Case For Cloud". The purpose of this series is to arm your business with the confidence to make that leap from managing your IT infrastructure in house and consider an alternative approach, put it in our cloud.

    Download our latest data sheet "Reliability in Our Cloud" now and learn more about what makes our cloud special.


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