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    2012 - the year in the cloud


    Whilst Cloud Computing is still very much in its infancy, I expect great things are still to come for the industry once cruelly referred to as "just another fad". Below, I outline my predictions for the year ahead and where I see Cloud Computing technologies heading in 2012.

    Power Outages in the Cloud


    Power outages such as those experienced by the likes of Amazon, Google and Microsoft in recent months are not only hugely embarrassing for the Cloud giants, but also incredibly disruptive for the affected users.

    Hybrid Clouds - Security Benefits


    An article I read recently argued that hybrid Clouds are used when an organisation runs out of capacity in their public Cloud. And indeed it is true that private Clouds can be adopted when an enterprise reaches its provisioning capacity threshold in its public Cloud to provide continuing access to data, thus resulting in a "hybrid" solution.

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