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    The Cost of Cloud - Download White Paper

    describe the imageDownload our white paper on "Solutions in the Cloud vs On-premise Software Solutions" for more insight into the cost savings to be had by moving your systems to our cloud.

    Increasing dissatisfaction with the costs, internal resources, IT complexities, and length of time that it takes to recognise value from their investments have pushed companies and their software buyers to demand alternative models of software delivery, such as Software as a Service; (SaaS) or Software on Demand– where the software is hosted for you in a remote data centre – often referred to as ‘The Cloud’.

    Our white paper "Solutions in the Cloud vs On-premise Software Solutions" provides valuable insight into cloud based hosting vs the more traditional model of hosting your business applications in-house.

    Download this free white paper and gain valuble insight into:

    • The benefits of cloud vs on-premise solutions
    • The cost of cloud vs on-premise solutions
    • The part Cloud Computing Centre can play in helping your business leverage the power of the cloud

    Please fill in the form in order to download your free white paper "Solutions in the Cloud vs On-premise Software Solutions"